Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Information Access for all

Bandwidth/wireless/mobile connectivity and the 'digital divide'.

The modern library is one focused on providing information and services to the community. To ensure their survival and to remain a relevant community institution, the library enriches and encourages community members to take part in lifelong learning and to ensure every members right to be part of the global online information society.

Over the past 10 - 15 years public libraries have been involved in providing access to the online information environment through providing the infrastructure to do this. According to the survey taken by Bertot et al. (2009) they are often the only place within the community that allows for free access, training and services for the online information environment, ensuring that the digital divide is addressed for people without personal home access. It has also been found that during times of global financial hardships this access becomes even more important to ensure that the digital divide doesn't widen as a result of increased poverty.

Issues that arise in relation to providing these services include:
- hours open where these services are available
- staffing levels when budget cutbacks kick in
- the number of workstations available
- bandwidth available and affordable
- availability of wireless and patrons ability to provide their own laptop or wireless device
- need for Internet training
- time limits placed on the use of computers due to high demand
- impact of social networking behaviours on availability of computers

I think it is important to track and study changes in the provision of these services over time as patterns of usage and availability of infrastructure can help libraries to better attend to the needs of the public. I also think that information gathered during the Global Financial Crisis can show us needs and uses for these services in times of real hardship where the users have no where else to turn.

Bertot, J. C., Jaeger, P.t., McClure, C. R., Wright, C. B., & Jensen, E. (2009). Public libraries and the Internet 2008-2009: Issues, implications, and challenges. First Monday, 14 (11) available http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/viewArticle/2700/2351

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